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AM report for Yooseong Yang


I recommend Yooseong Yang to be accepted as Debian Developer.

2. Identification

His key is signed by Chu-yeon Park.

pub  1024D/2AE7444E 2000-10-15 Yooseong Yang <yooseong@kldp.org>
sig!       2AE7444E 2000-10-15  Yooseong Yang <yooseong@kldp.org>
sig!       24318AA0 2000-10-25  Chu-yeon Park <kokids@wdb.co.kr>
sub  1024g/9F5E66D7 2000-10-15
sig!       2AE7444E 2000-10-15  Yooseong Yang <yooseong@kldp.org>

3. Philosophy and Procedures
He successfully explained the keypoints of DFSG and DSC. He knew the
things about DFSG 4, but said that he won't put this restriction to a 
program. Him emails demostrized that he understood NMUs, and know
them types, when somebody can do them, etc. He didn't know about
the pine, but successfully explained the diffs between main/contrib/non-free.
And gave the good answer to free beer/speech and debian specific questions

4. Tasks and Skills
At last he successfully packaged up the debiandoc-sgml-doc-ko and 
doc-debian-ko, so he also survived the RHT, congratulation ;)
I think he will be a good developer, and he can support the Korean
language in this way also.

Gergely Risko

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