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AM report for Andreas Rottmann

AM's Final Report for Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>
(by Anthony Fok, November 24, 2000)

Andreas Rottmann has completed the new-maintainer checklist to my
satisfaction.  I recommend that he be accepted as a Debian developer.

        First name: Andreas
         Last name: Rottmann
         Home Page: http://yi.org/rotty/vita-en.html
    Current e-mail: a.rottmann@gmx.at
    Desired e-mail: rotty@debian.org --> a.rottmann@gmx.at
    debian-private: rotty@debian.org

1. Initial Contact
Andreas Rottmann was assigned to me on 2000-09-03.  I accepted the
assignment on 2000-09-07 and sent Andreas an initial contact e-mail.
Andreas replied on the same day.

2. Idenfication Check
Andreas has provided a GnuPG-signed scanned image of his student ID
at Vienna University of Technology. 

He has also provided the following signed public key:

$ gpg --check-sigs rottmann
pub  1024D/81736279 2000-03-17 Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>
sig!       81736279 2000-03-17  Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>
sig?       803F078F 2000-05-24  
sig!       B53F901C 2000-06-02  Gerfried Fuchs (Alfie) <alfie@innocent.com>
uid                            Andreas Rottmann <rottmann@users.sourceforge.net>
sig!       81736279 2000-03-17  Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>
sig?       803F078F 2000-05-24  
sig!       B53F901C 2000-06-02  Gerfried Fuchs (Alfie) <alfie@innocent.com>
uid                            Andreas Rottmann <rottmann@penguinpowered.com>
sig!       81736279 2000-03-17  Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>
sig?       803F078F 2000-05-24  
sig!       B53F901C 2000-06-02  Gerfried Fuchs (Alfie) <alfie@innocent.com>
sub  1024g/A171F21A 2000-03-17
sig!       81736279 2000-03-17  Andreas Rottmann <a.rottmann@gmx.at>

Andreas's key has been signed by Debian developer Gerfried Fuchs.

Identification check passed.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
I asked Andreas 5 questions: list some free software licenses; name some
non-free software and explain; why there were no KDE1/KDE2; PINE; and
what the Social Contract means to him.  All are answered very well, brief
and to the point.  Also:

  > 5. What does the Debian Social Contract mean to you?  :-)

  It primarly means to me that, beeing (soon..) a Debian Developer, I
  have to be loyal to our users and the Free Software Community (with
  all implications).

Policy and procedures check passed.

4. Tasks and Skills
Andreas intends to package GQL and other software authored by him as well
as other software that he finds interesting and worth packaging.

He has written and packaged GQL, a generic C++ SQL DB interface.
It has been checked and sponsor-uploaded for woody by Debian developer
Christian Hammers:

    libgql0-driver-pg, libgql0, libgql-dev, libgql0-driver-mysql

Task and Skills check passed.

5. Evaluation and Check-in

I recommend that Andreas Rottmann becomes a Debian developer.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
Application Manager for Andreas Rottmann

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project -- http://www.debian.org/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

Attachment: pgpg6PxRR8JeT.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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