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AM report for William Irwin

Summary for William Irwin <wli@holomorphy.com>


Bill didn't have a signed GPG, so I put him in contact with Developers
in his town.  He met Debian Developer Karl M. Hegbloom half an hour
ago and has a signed key now:

pub  1024D/0046BCA2 2000-07-11 William Lee Irwin III <wli@holomorphy.com>
sig        F1CC6A7A 2000-11-05  Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@debian.org>

Philosophy & Procedures

Bill agrees with the Social Contract and the DFSG.  His summary of these
documents shows that he understands them.  Bill was able to explain the
problems with Pine's current license, told me about NMUs and knows about
the procedure of orphaning and adopting packages.  Bill also had no
problems pointing out the difference between main, contrib and non-free,
and free speech and free beer.

Tasks & Skills

Bill works as a Linux kernel programmer and has much programming
experience.  He wants to adopt a couple of orphaned packages.  For the
skill test, Bill prepared a package of 'hschat' for me which was
lintian clean.  It only had some minor issues (forgotten to remove some
unneeded files created by debhelper) which Bill corrected immediately.
Bill certainly has enough knowledge to adopt several orphaned packages
and fix outstanding bugs in them.


I recommend that Bill be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Martin Michlmayr

Attachment: pgpfGZzREyWfo.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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