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AM report on Dan Helfman

Dan Helfman is currently maintaining libdetect via his sponsor Chris
Lawrence, and wishes to directly maintain it and Harddrake (both hardware
detection software) once he becomes a maintainer.  I recommend he be

His gpg signature is signed by Mathew Elkins (mutt author), but no Debian
developer was near enough to arrange a meeting.  M.E. does not apparently
have a Debian developer signature either though, so no reliable chain of
trust could be established.  Chris also submitted a phone number and scanned
driver's license.  A phone call or some other additional verification may be

Chris Lawrence (sponsor) sent a note in support of Dan's application,
verifying his skills at package maintenance.

Dan provided a statement appended to the social contract agreeing to it.
Dan analyzed a non-free license for compliance with the DFSG.

Attachment: pgpTCSyjTw7oW.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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