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AM report for Tom Cato Amundsen

Name: Tom Cato Amundsen
Email: tca@gnu.org
Preferred Debian Account Name: tca@debian.org 
debian-private mail to: tca@gnu.org

I recommend the acceptance of Tom in our Project.

2. Identification

Tom Cato Amundsen's key is signed by Per Lundberg <plundis@debian.org>.
Per Lundberg's new key is in Debian keyring.

pub  1024D/A5E43EA3 1999-12-18 Tom Cato Amundsen <tomcato@iname.com>
sig!       A5E43EA3 1999-12-18  Tom Cato Amundsen <tca@gnu.org>
sig!       BDFAA963 2000-08-23  Per Lundberg <plundis@chaosdev.org>
uid                            Tom Cato Amundsen <tca@gnu.org>
sig!       A5E43EA3 2000-08-04  Tom Cato Amundsen <tca@gnu.org>
sub  1024g/9284413D 1999-12-18
sig!       A5E43EA3 1999-12-18  Tom Cato Amundsen <tca@gnu.org>

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Tom knows and accept our Social Contract. He knows and share our
principles. He demonstrates to fully understand DFSG and the
differences between licenses and our archive section.

4. Tasks and Skills

Tom knows hot to handle our packages and our BTS.
He has already made packages. He is the author of GNU Solfege, and
maintains it in Debian with the sponsorship of Olaf Stetzer
<stetzer@debian.org>. He plans to maintain other packages and he
debianized woody, a hierarchical outliner, and python-slang, Python
bindings for S-Lang. He is searching a sponsor for them.

He works with the integration of Lilypond and Latex, and has used Debian
for 3.5 years. He knows C/C++, Pascal and Python.

Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org 
-----------------> http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi <------------------
Machines that have broken down will work perfectly when the repairman arrives.

Attachment: pgpzab2FpZMWX.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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