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Re: Inclusion of a new package for Buster (dragonfly-reverb)

Hi all,

Le 2018-11-11 15:00, trebmuh a écrit :
I've been asked by upstream how to get this software included in Debian. I'm touching base here then to check if that's relevant and, if so, how to move

The software is DragonFly-Reverb, a nice reverb' GUI based on the well-known
freeverb3 algorithm, provided as a LV2 and VST plugin.
See https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb/

I've been testing it on Debian Stretch for a bunch of time now and have a working (Stretch) package ready which would then need a rebuild and checks
on a Buster system.

I'm wondering if the following is enough or if I'm missing steps :
- repackaging it on a Buster system
- testing this package on a Buster system
- uploading the Buster package on mentors.debian.net
- pinging the list here to get a DD to sponsor it

Is that it ?

s/buster/unstable/, otherwise, yes. That and getting it to migrate before the
buster freeze starts is all that needs to be done.

Thanks Sebastian.
I'll be back here when I have a package to show then (which should
take ~10/15 days I think).

It took me a bit of more time than expected to setup a new machine with a buster system but here we go.

I've uploaded a package for DragonFly-reverb to mentors [1].

Since I'm not really used to the Debian processing, this is what I've done:
- installing a stretch
- s/stretch/buster in sources.list
- update with synaptic
- installing the dev tools I'm using (pbuilder, dput,...) and set them up
- build a debian unstable chroot base.tgz for pbuilder
- build the package against this unstable chroot (with pbuilder)
- install the package on my buster freshly install computer
- test it and I can tell that DragonFly is working as a LV2 and LXVST with Ardour5, and as a jack-standalone app

A few questions/remarks:

1) If I understand correctly the official debian process, I should have opened an ITT bug first. Can someone please confirm that this is a needed step, or not? 2) On mentors.d.n [1], it says that the debian/watch file isn't working. I forgot to switch to a v4 d/watch format before uploading to mentors. I'll wait for your feedback about this package before doing so. 3) Can someone here is able to sponsor this package to get in the debian repo before the freeze?

Hope I've done a good job while packaging DF-reverb. I'm not a coding person and am still learning the ropes. Please, be indulgent while letting me know if anything is wrong with this package.


[1] https://mentors.debian.net/package/dragonfly-reverb

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