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Re: List of required packages.

On Tue, September 11, 2012 12:05 am, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Dear Mr. Weaver,
> the error messages that you are posting can have a multitude of
> reasons. However, they are much to vague for us to be seriously able
> to help you.
> Generally, with Debian Wheezy, you do not need to install any package
> from an external repository anymore to play back the most common video
> formats. One exception are proprietary DVDs for which you need
> libdvdcss - for which in turn we (in Debian) do not have found a
> solution yet.
> I thus recommend you to read through this page
> <http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/FAQ>
> especially the last paragraph, and try again with a clean Debian
> installation. Adding random packages from other repositories is known
> to cause breakage in many cases.
> And then, please file proper bug reports against affected packages
> instead of quoting random error messages from the console.

Umm, I'm not filing a bug because I don't think there is one.

I'm not 'adding random packages', either.

I'm quoting error messages (and not random ones) because I was asked to.

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 -- Thomas Paine

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