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Re: Switching to git

Hi Felipe,

|--==> On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 17:15:33 -0300, Felipe Sateler <fsateler@gmail.com> said:

  FS> El 14/10/08 16:34 Free Ekanayaka escribió:
  >>Hi team,
  >>since today we have git repository for our packages

  FS> What is the structure of the git repository?

The standard structure is the one suggested by git-buildpackage: the
"upstream" branch is for the original upstream code, while the
"master" branch is for the actual debian source package (ideally it
should only add the debian/ directory),

The other branches are my one working branches.

  FS> There seem to be some branches 
  FS> for each patch, but then the patch is stored in master as a quilt patch.

  FS> What 
  FS> is the intended workflow?

I'm using those branches to keep track of the changes I make to the
various patches. 

For example if you want to make a new patch, you can create a new
branch starting from the latest upstream code:

git branch my_new_patch upstream

And then edit & commit till you are satisfied. Now if you are on the
my_new_patch branch and you run the command

git diff -r upstream

you can use its output to generate the relevant quilt patch. The good
thing of this procedure is that you can split your patch in several
commits, so when you import a new upstream release and merge it's
easier to merge the changes and resolve possible conflicts.

That's my own workflow, but git is actually very flexible and it can
be used in many ways.



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