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Re: LinuxSampler?

Daniel James escribe:
> That's true, but in this case the risk is higher than usual. Firstly 
> because music hardware companies have poor awareness of the GPL, 
> compared to say... network hardware companies (and some of them are bad 
> enough). Secondly, because LinuxSampler can run as a headless node, so 
> it would be very easy to hide the code in a 'black box' appliance.

I remember about Kiss media players who had mplayer code inside and
were easily discovered...

> Musix is a good distro, but it's aimed at a different use case. We 
> should have a Spanish language forum on our new website, even though my 
> own Spanish isn't much better than ¡hola, amigo! :-)

I'd be glad to moderate that forum if it existed, or a mailing list
for users who talk spanish, if I were able to subscribe to 64 Studio
mailing lists!

I once had a french colleague whose spanish was limited to "doh
cervezah!" which means "two beers!" with a deep accent from
Andalucia. :)

Cordially, Ismael
Ismael Valladolid Torres  m. +34679156321
La media hostia           j. ivalladt@gmail.com


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