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jackd & related software


I hope I'm writing to the right place.
I am running debian unstable on a Dell Lat. D800 laptop. Everything runs fine (let's say, everything that I need :) I installed jackd and some jack aware applications (ardour, jamin, hydrogen, etc) from some apt repository and run the thing as myself, not as root (using kernel 2.6.9-1 + realtime-lsm). I am part of the audio group (gid=29) and so far so good...until I cannot wait for a new release to show up on the apt pkg repository and I compile from source the whole shebang myself (e.g. cvs versions). Then things do not work.
I set the owner.group of jackstart to root.audio and chmod it to 4755.
The rest is owned by root.root (exactly as the precompiled stuff I got with apt-get). The realtime-lsm module is modprobed with
"allcaps=1 gid=29".

My question is : why when I compile things myself, e.g. jamin, and run it as before, it complains about the jack server not running ? It is obsviously running. Same with any other jack app that I compiled myself (like hydrogen cvs). I looked at permissions of executables, owners, etc. I made sure that they are the same as the precompiled stuff found on the apt repository. I simply don't get why the latter works and not the stuff I compile myself. I used to do it on redhat-like systems and I never had this trouble. Any idea ??


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