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Re: [a-devel] AGNULA/DeMuDi 1.1.1 and 2.6.x kernel

> On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 21:00, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> > Today, I've been testing with NPTL (using the env variable).  That
> > seems to work, too, on Debian.  This is still without your patch, just
> > JACK 0.98.3 from CVS.  

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU> writes:
> Hmmm, I'm testing with 0.98.0 (with the optimization problem patched
> away). Maybe something in 0.98.3 is very different?

Not very.  There are only a few minor changes since 0.98.1.  The
differences between that and 0.98.0 were mostly config problems, IIRC.

I can retest with the release versions, just to be sure.

> I just sent a (hopefully) cleaner patch to jackit-devel for the
> SCHED_FIFO problem, and the results of some test runs I did today in
> different conditions. 

Got it, thanks.  Will try that today.

guenter geiger <geiger@xdv.org> writes:
> Just for the record, I had terrible troubles using 2.6.6  from Debian
> on my machine. This means random segmentation faults and crashes, without
> using jack, nor the realtime module. As it seems to work OK for other
> people I am suspecting a problem in the Debian prepackaged version of that
> kernel. 2.6.5 is working well.

I built 2.6.6 myself from vanilla kernel.org sources.  I'm using it
with realtime-lsm-0.1.1.  That is working *very* well for me now with
just the env var workaround.  Well enough that there's probably not
much need for 2.4+lowlat any more.

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