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Re: Respect the wishes of the mplayer authors

Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> > If you do want to include mplayer in your distro, how about releasing it under another name than mplayer, so that the real and lovable mplayer won't be mistaken for a cripled and unusable application? To quote Bruce Perens explaining the 4. right of open source: "if you make a change, you might have to change the name of the program or mark out your change very clearly" 
> If foolish tells me that's the best way to shut up people,
> then that may be done, especially when mplayer in Debian is not 
> the same as what may be obtained from compiling upstream source.

I opt for the name 'cripple' or 'crippleplayer' then.

Also, if this is what the mplayer people wish, they should place this
in a certain README file so all distributors of software learn about
this.  Hmm... it's leisured to discuss this here...



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