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Re: Bringing Mobian closer to Debian

Hello Henry-Nicolas,

Le 14/08/2021 à 20:53, Henry-Nicolas Tourneur a écrit :
> A question on those different options: do you see them as mutually
> exclusive or could we go for a combination of them?
> Examples:
> - I do not see how option b. would conflict with a. or c.
> - Option c: when you wrote "merge all of the above", I assume that an
> intermediary approach, similar to the point a option 2 could also be
> envisaged.

Those options are not mutually exclusive (except option 1 and 2 for
point a), but should be seen as different levels of integration: point a
being the lowest level, with the most source packages to deal with, and
point c being the highest level with only 1 source package.

> Personnaly, I would prefer we avoid this split of tweaks settings
> between 2 different binary packages (ie: mobian-$device-tweaks and
> $device-tweaks). Whether that be mobian-$device-tweaks or mobile-
> tweaks, I have no preference. I see some overlap between both packages,
> in term of purpose, which can lead to effort duplication, which we
> should avoid IMO.
> Are there use cases I am missing here where we see a strong need for
> device specific tweaks split in 2 different packages?

I agree, having a single package per device would make things easier to
manage, the only difficult part could be agreeing on what is a sensible
tweak and what isn't.

> Also, the 3 options are very much focused on the packaging work, I'd
> like to ask: what about the team themselves? Eventually, if we want to
> bring Mobian closer to Debian, does it make sense to keep 2 different
> salsa teams (Mobian-team and DebianOnMobile-team). As you said, there's
> some overlap in term of membership and I believe our objectives are
> aligned.
> Merging would only be benefical imho: clarity for new contributors,
> reduced risk of work duplication, improved communications - there are
> currently several communication channels where team devs can talk, but
> not a single channel where dev related discussions are being held and
> reaching everyone involved.
> IMHO - we should also consider the team aspect if we want to bring
> Mobian closer to Debian: that is an important dimension with its own
> set of potential improvements :-)

That's a good point too, and while Mobian-team is mostly a subset of
DebianOnMobile-team, merging both teams would definitely make sense, yes.


> Best regards,
> Henry-Nicolas Tourneur

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