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Idea for GSoC: run Android apps in Xen guests with Debian Mobile as a Dom0

Hello all,

I want to propose my idea for GSoC 2019.

I want to allow users of Debian Mobile to run Android (and other OS)
apps in virtual machines (guests) of Xen.

The similar idea was proposed for GSoC 2018 and currently is work in
progress in QubesOS:


The main difference is that QubesOS aims to support Android x86 and I
propose to work with Android for arm. Also, the motivation is completely

The motivation behind the project is to simplify use and development of
operating systems based on Debian Mobile by providing a simple mechanism
for utilizing popular applications from other Operating Systems
(Android, other Linux-based systems, systems with xen paravirtualization
support). This project might be very helpful since new mobile phones
with Linux and virtualization support are going to appear (Librem
Phone). At the same time it can provide a good alternative to Anbox
avoiding its pitfalls via usage of completely different approach.

The main outcomes of this project are:

* a working solution with Debian in Dom0 and Android Arm in DomU

* a thorough description of the process of installation of every
component: Debian on Arm, installation of Qemu and Xen, Debian in Dom0,
Debian in DomU, Android in DomU

* a possibility to build a good security system by combination of
SELinux, Xen Security Modules and SELinux on Android.

A little bit about me: I am a PhD student from Bremen University,
Germany in the field of Usability and Security. Currently, I am working
on making SELinux more user-friendly. In general, I am interested in
Operating Systems, Linux, SELinux and usability. In 2017, I was a GSoC
student with RTEMS (https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2017). This year,
I would really like to help Debian and Linux to go into mobile phones. 

I would really like to hear your opinion on the project. And if you want
to mentor it I will definitely appreciate your help.

P.S. if this project is possible I would like to start to contribute as
early as possible since the project is quite big.

Regards, Denis Obrezkov

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