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Re: Debian mobile BoF at DebConf17

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 9:42 PM, JBB wrote:

> If you're a mire experienced packager, it would be nice if you could look
> over the packaging at http://github.com/jbbgameich/libhybris-packaging

Mini review:

Please check the source/binary packages with lintian.

The get-orig-source can be dropped as uscan supports git repositories
and github generates tarballs anyway. BTW, why does libhybris upstream
not have any github releases?

Should the manual pages be sent upstream somewhere?

Maintainer/Uploaders/Vcs-* need updating.

I expect that the debian/copyright file needs updating.


I'd suggest bumping to debhelper compat 10:


Please read the policy upgrading checklist and then bump Standards-Version:


> The android headers are extracted from android with a special srcipt.

Which of the android Debian source packages would that be?


> Libhybris needs them to know which features that android version supports
> and for what you need headers in general. They are only needed for building
> libhybris. Canonical just names that package android-headers, but as this
> headers are different in aosp, lineageos and cyanogenmod, the package name
> should early say for what they are.

Did CM/LineageOS really fork core Android headers? ...



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