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Re: Provide API for protocol based filtering of mirrors (eg HTTPS and FTPS)

On 22.04.18 03:14, buggyguy wrote:
It seems Manajaro and Arch mirror list websites provide APIs for protocol filtering.

The three protocols avaialable seem to be FTP, HTTP, HTTPS. However
pacman-mirrors also allows ftps.  It seems there is no mirror serving over
FTPS, so it is not available.

note that official debian mirrors must not support HTTPs.

since debian mirrors are provided by community, it's not possible to
provide certificates for *.debian.org safely.
The same applies for FTPS.

If you do provide these APIs then some one can make reflector or
pacman-mirros clone for Debian.

what do you need those APIs for? If you need https/ftps, you need unofficial

Also include apt-transport-https by default in Debian incase users want to
not download that package over HTTP.

it's in archive, but not installed by default. You can install it manually,
but since the reasons above I doubt it will be made default.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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