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Re: RFC: new trace file field to declare updates to sync scripts

Raphael Geissert (geissert@debian.org) wrote on 2 July 2012 14:48:
 >As mentioned in http.d.n's issue #14 [1], non-ftpsync mirrors are currently 
 >not used at all for certain requests. I have done this to avoid second-
 >guessing whether mirrors correctly exclude InRelease files in the first 
 >stage, and recently the same issue with i18n/.
 >My proposal is to introduce a new field that declares what revisions have 
 >been made to the sync script.
 >For instance, the latest ftpsync would generate the following line:
 >Revision: i18n InRelease

Implemented. Here's the latest trace:

Wed Jul  4 15:05:51 UTC 2012
Used rsmir version 1
Running on host: debian.c3sl.ufpr.br
Architectures: FULL
Upstream-mirror: [2001:610:1908:b000::148:10]
Revision: i18n InRelease AUIP

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