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Re: Libav 0.7 FTBFS on mipsel: Error: opcode not supported on this processor: mips2 (mips2) `ldl $2, 7($13)'

>> On 07/17/2011 01:14 PM, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>>> cOn Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 12:36:23 (CEST), David Kuehling wrote:
>>> Grepping over a copy of the ffmpeg sources, I find ldl in
>>> inline-assembler fragments in various files, such as intreadwrite.h.
>>> These are #ifdefed checking for ARCH_MIPS64, which is set by the
>>> configure script.
>>> Unfortunately the configure script checks 'uname -m' for the
>>> architecture, which might be mips64 when running debian on a 64-bit
>>> kernel (this happens, e.g. when running with the loongson kernels
>>> shipped by debian).
>>> Forcing ./configure --arch=mips/mipsel might help.
>> That makes sense to me. I'll add --arch=$(DEB_BUILD_CPU) to the
>> configure line for the next upload.

> Why aren't the builds done under 'linux32'?  Doing that would cause
> uname to return the proper values for an o32 build.

The complete userspace *is* o32, just the kernel is not.  I think that
is a pretty valid way to run a system, compiling the kernel for mips64
gives better performance on those machines that can run mips64 code.

A mips64 kernel can run 32 and 64-bit architecture binaries, and has to
pick one description when asked via 'uname -m'.  The 'setarch' tool can
be used to configure which architecture that is.

I.e. athough my machine usually returns 'mips64' on 'uname -m', after
running, 'setarch mips' it returns just 'mips'.  Maybe that'd be a a
cleaner way to fix the problem for all package builds?


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