Re: Debian on Fuloong (was: porterboxes vs. qemu)
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Andreas Barth <> wrote:
> * Andreas Barth ( [100207 01:39]:
>> * fxzhang ( [100204 03:00]:
>> > It has been solved for quite some time. A binutils patch will do the
>> > work. Lemote uses build farm of Fuloong daily stably.
>> Another question: Which kernel do you recommend? Is a standard 2.6.32
>> enough to run stable?
> I now tried with an 2.6.33-rc7 (from linus) plus the binutils-patches,
> and added
> -Wa,-mfix-loongson2f-jump -Wa,-mfix-loongson2f-nop
> -Wl,-mfix-loongson2f-jump -Wl,-mfix-loongson2f-nop
> to the kernel cflags (and they were actually used during building the
> kernel), but the kernel refused to boot (as my serial console isn't
> working, I unfortunatly cannot show the outcome - see my other mail;
> ideas to get the serial console in the pmon working would be welcome
> as well).
> I'm now trying with an heavily patched with the full set of
> options (only the -Wa-part didn't help to run it stable). If that
> doesn't work either, I have no idea myself anymore.
You need to use Lemote's git repo for 2.6.32
- - I believe as of 2.6.33 all the
(important at least) changes have made it into mainline.
Daniel JB Clark | Free Software Activist |
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