Re: [Fwd: [lemote] Re: Are -mfix-loongson2f-nop and -mfix-loongson2f-jump needed for userland programs?]
* Ivan Jager ( [100204 17:21]:
> On Thu, 4 Feb 2010, fxzhang wrote:
>> As I have said in,
>>, only
>> -mfix-loongson2f-nop is needed for user-space applications.
> From reading that message, it seems very wrong to me. It sounds like a
> regular user could cause the machine to crash by omitting the
> -mfix-loongson2f-nop when compiling his programs. This solution seems
> akin to "fixing" a buffer overflow in a server by modifying the client to
> never send strings that are too long.
The question is: Does running a programm without -mfix-loongson2f-nop
cause the system to hang, or just the particular userspace programm?
In the second case it's of course still a DoS (one could fill up the
process table), but not so bad IMHO.
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