Re: porterboxes vs. qemu
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:00 PM, Tom McAvaney <> wrote:
>> Greetings! Are there any non-official porterboxes available for mips
>> only debugging? Or is the policy henceforward that packagers need to
>> setup qemu or exclude mips?
> I am a mere user and no authority at all, but my understanding is that
> now mahler is down the MIPS port is dependent on individual
> developers/packagers having access to/maintaining their own machines.
> It would be a shame if packagers abandoned MIPS for lack of hardware
> for debugging ... Does anyone know if replacement/repair of mahler is
> on anyones to do list?
> In the meantime, depending on how much hand-holding you're willing to
> do, I (or others on the list) might be able to help with testing on
> one of my SGI Indys.
I'm doing a bulk order from Lemote soon. I can get people fuloong
boxes for pretty cheap (less than US $300 including shipping - contact
me off-list for details) if anyone is interested and/or probably host
a box somewhere. You can also just order from
(and probably should esp. if you are in their geography).
(These are loongson2f processor machines which are compatible with
MIPS64 - can run o32, n32, n64 ABI stuff).
I'm also looking into getting U-NAS II boxes which are same processor
but not officially available outside of China; they have better disk
I/O (2 internal 3.5" SATA and 2 eSATA ports vs single internal 2.5"
SATA on the fuloong). Ping me if you are interested on those, but they
would take longer than the fuloongs and I am not yet certain I'll be
able to get them at all. (link to google translate of chinese-language page)
The other really nifty MIPS boxes which might be useful are the
sicortex SC072-PDS boxes now on sale for ebay (should be able to get
one for <$1500). These have 72 processors, lots of RAM and really nice
I/O but currently only run a hacked version of Gentoo. Important to
Debian would be that they only run n32 and n64 ABI binaries, no o32,
so probably only useful to people interested in working on an n32
Which brings up the point, is there doc on how to do new Debian ports
anywhere? I searched for a while but couldn't find anything; I am
assuming just bootstrap an environment that's enough to run the Debian
build tools manually and then move on from there, but if doc exists a
pointer would be much appreciated.
Daniel JB Clark | Free Software Activist |
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