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Re: Timeline for normal buildd operation on MIPS ?

On 10/03/2008, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Dear MIPS porters,

Dear Charles,

> Despite the hard work you made for your buildds, the backlog is stil
> stabilizing to a level that blocks into unstable the packages that
> evolve at the periphery of the Debian galaxy, such as scientific
> applications.

despite the words you're trying to use to mask it, you're really
harrassing them for no valid reasons.

> In order to help the people maintaining such packages to organize
> themselves, can you publish a timeline of your works and goals for the
> MIPS infrastructure? It has been more than three months that the
> backlog is there; this is more than half the time left before the
> freeze.

In order to keep the noise on this (these) list(s) at a suitable level,
can you please stop that? It's been more than three weeks that you're

> Please be assured of the sympathy I have for your project,

Please be assured of the sympathy I have for your trying to have your
packages into testing at all costs,

Cyril Brulebois

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