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Re: daily O2 d-i image not booting

On Tuesday 04 March 2008, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Giuseppe Sacco <giuseppe@eppesuigoccas.homedns.org> [2008-03-04 02:31]:
> > Is there any way to test this new d-i for installing etch instead of
> > lenny?
> There's something caleld etch-support that does this.  I've no idea
> how it works though.  I'm CCing Frans Pop who can explain.

For Lenny netboot or businesscard CD images, just boot with 'install 
suite=etch'. (Or do the install in expert mode and select "stable" instead 
of "testing" during mirror selection.)

You can *not* install Etch using Lenny netinst CD, full CD or DVD images.


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