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Re: Hi - yet another problem regarding printing....

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Stefan Deling wrote:

| My Indy has a 4600CPU running at 100MHz. It has 64MB RAM and a little
| harddisk (524MB or so). Maybe I´ll try compiling cups on my own with
| optimizations for this cpu. We´ll see...
| Got other ideas?
| Ciao

Ahh yes, pretty much the stock original Indy.  I've found that even on a
133MHz CPU and 256MB RAM  and 9.1GB HDD it isn't much faster... but
processor optomisations may help a little.  In fact, I've started
installing Gentoo/MIPS on the machine here to play with processor
optomisations -- see if it boosts the machine further.

I'll have a play and certainly let you know -- although I've found that
processor optomisations haven't made a great deal of difference on Intel
IA32 hardware -- so I'm not sure about mips.

- --
| Stuart Longland           stuartl at longlandclan.hopto.org |
| Brisbane Mesh Node: 719             http://stuartl.cjb.net/ |
| I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on a tape somewhere |
| Atomic Linux Project    <--->    http://atomicl.berlios.de/ |
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