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Re: Debootstrap issues

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 18:46:26 +0100
Guido Guenther <agx@debian.org> wrote:

> Are these machines really exactly the same? Maybe different CPU
> revisions? If you really want to track this down and your friend lives
> nearby you can probably switch CPUs and RAM with him and repeat the
> experiment? Another thing would be to install via serial console, so
> you can more easily cut and paste error messages (maybe also try the
> 'official' boot-floppies from ftp.debian.org).

Well, some feedback after almost 11 hours of struggling with Debian and
my Indigo2. I followed Len Sorensen's advice and tried removing some
RAM. I tried a couple of combinations since I have 12 bars of RAM (384
Mo). None of the things I tried worked, I still got downloads errors and
debootstrap would always crash. I also tried official kernel images, but
it failed at the "Configure Modules" section, leaving me no choice but
give up the installation.
Then I tried installing Debian from the console in Alt-F2 instead of the
GUI, when I got to "Install Base System". I launched
"/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch mips woody /target
http://ftp.debian.org:80/debian"; since it was the server that gave me
the fewer errors. Everything was downloaded and extracted, but
debootstrap failed on installing, reporting a bus error.
So I said to myself I should remove the last 2 difficult-to-access bars
of RAM, and put on some other bars. I restarted the installation
process, and everything worked fine using the command line to execute
debootstrap. It gave some errors about unconfigured packages, but since
I didn't know how to fix this, I rebooted anyway and booted on the
kernel. I finally got the Debian login, but the filesystem was mounted
read-only. A simple "mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 /" took care of it. I
did a couple "dpkg -i", "dpkg --configure -a" and "dpkg-reconfigure",
and now I've got a Debian system running just fine.
After all, all my problems came from hardware, but now I know much more
about the Debian installation process :) Weird though I had so much
download issues, as my network's working OK.
Thanks anyway to anyone who answered me.

> "I say don't drink and drive, you might spill your drink" -- NOFX
> Regards,

Guido, I can see you have some great tastes about music :)
Lucas Moulin <lucaramel@yahoo.fr>
"I wish I had a shilling for every senseless killing, I'd buy a
government" -- NOFX

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