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Re: MIPS porting machine for Debian?

Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> Does the Debian MIPS project have any need for a machine to host any of
> their work?  I've got an SGI Indigo 2 running woody, and I'm willing to
> donate it to Debian (via SPI, I imagine) and provide bandwith (roughly
> T1 level or better) and hosting for it.  Or I could conceivably ship it
> elsewhere for hosting, though I'd find it easier to simply hang on to
> it.
> I have had this machine for a couple of months now, but haven't found
> much use for it.  I've got enough other stuff to do that I don't get to
> think about any MIPS specific stuff, and I have plenty of other machines
> to serve my needs.  I noticed that there aren't any MIPS machines listed
> on http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi, so I figured I'd offer this thing.

Check www.debian.org/ports/mips/  -  there should be a couple of machines
listed there, since they're under private control and not debian-admin
control, though.



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