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Re: Weird TFTP Problems while booting an SGI Indy

> > when i tell the indy to
> > # boot -f bootp()vmlinux init=/bin/sh nfsroot=
> Can you try:
> >> bootp():vmlinux init=/bin/sh nfsroot=
> and see if that works ?

Doesn't work either.
Exactly the same behaviour
(actually i had to do bootp():/tftpboot/vmlinux ... tftp access
restriction; and : seems to implicit an absolute path.
I did try bootp() as well...)

Just the same odd behaviour, the indy ACK'ing the first TFTP Data
Packet, but not replying to the second data package.

I believe in some bug in the PROM... any idea how i can update this
(i don't have a service contract with sgi... the machine does have some
IRIX 6.1 installed i think, but i want to run it diskless)
PROM is Version "5.1.2 Rev B4 R4X00 IP24 Dec  9, 1993 (BE)"

Thanks & Greetings
Erich Schubert

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