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Bug#1002295: Uploaded the files

Hi Tobias,

Thanks for your review.

- the watch file is still broken [1]
  - upstream seems not to do releases, where did you get the 0.2.0 version

I asked upstream about the release number.
And on the github page you can see: "Initial version is 0.2.0".
If you click the 3 dots near "pippim Create mt".

I will ask to add tags so that versioning and watch file will work better.

- Consider sending your patches upstream.

I told upstream about the files that I made but they made the app for Ubuntu and don't care for making it work well on various DEs.
And they don't care about the .desktop and other things e.g. the man page that complete the app.

- "mt" is proably not a good choice for the script name

I will ask.

- d/alarm_001.wav

I don't think that providing a timer without its own alarm is good.

 - users are not supposed to change binaries shipped by a package.

I think that it is best to give an option to how do something since there is no such feature, than nothing.

 - IIUIC, the section "Interface to Sysmonitor Indicator Option"
        tells people to create a FrankenDebian [3]

I made it to explain why the option doesn't work.

- d/control
  - Why does it need a versioned dependency on bash?
    - bash is essential, and the version >4.6 is already fullfilled in old-stable.

Without the version I get an error or warning on https://mentors.debian.net/package/multi-timer/.

------- Original Message -------
On Monday, August 1st, 2022 at 6:39 PM, Tobias Frost <tobi@debian.org> wrote:

> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Scorpion,
> I wonder if you actually checking things, with the hints given by Bastian

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