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Packaging pyca

Hej everyone,

I am currently packaging PyCA [1], which is a small capture agent
mostly used in universities for lecture recording.
During this difficult time, this is becoming more and more important
and a Debian Package would greatly help with the installation process.

So I have created my own Debian Package [2] for this and set up a
small Debian Repository to distribute it.

Maybe this is something Debian itself is also interested in? If so, I
would be happy, if someone would be willing to mentor me, so that I can
bring this to Debian directly.

Currently there is a Lintian error, due to the fact, that PyCA
itself ships an own version of jquery and also I am curious, if I am
able to use the name 'pyca', since there was a package til stretch with
the same name [3].

Thanks for the help,


[1] https://github.com/opencast/pyCA
[2] https://github.com/elan-ev/pyca-debian
[3] https://packages.debian.org/stretch/pyca

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