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Re: Git bare debian repository format and python packages

On 2020-04-22 13:28 +0200, Birger Schacht wrote:
> Hi *,
> I am a fan of the git bare debian repository format. I am using gbp to
> build my packages:
> gbp buildpackage --git-builder=sbuild -A -v -d unstable
> --source-only-changes
> Usually that works without problems, but with python packages, when
> dh_auto_clean is run *before* the sources are extracted that leads to
> the build process being stopped :(
> dh_auto_clean runs pybuild --clean (in my case its set to use distutils
> as buildsystem) which does not find a `setup.py` which leads to an error
> which stops the whole build process.
> Is there a recommended way of handling this situation?

It is a feature of the way sbuild works that 'debian/rules clean' is
run in the containing OS, not in the chroot, in order to make the
source.  Lots of packages have dependencies used in the clean rule,
and these are not declared separately from the normal
build-dependencies. To build these with sbuild you need to have those
dependencies installed in the outside OS, and hope that the likely
differences in version between inside and outside do not matter.

Fortunately there is a farily small set of packages that will let you
run the clean rule on the vast majority of debian packages. I am not
aware of any better solution than simply installing those dependencies
in the containing OS.

I would be useful to maintain a list somewhere, or even a metapackage,
so people who wanted to reliably build every package using sbuild had
an automated way of doing it.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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