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Install SDDM via Simple-CDD

Hi Mentors,

Does SDDM package requires special handling when included in
simple-CDD's packages install?

I'm currently building a simple-cdd workspace with a profile that facilitates
lxqt+sddm as desktop GUI. The lxqt got installed nicely but sddm does not.
Investigation found out that:

1. sddm package was included in the generated ISO image (mounted check).
2. TTY4 debug console did not complain about sddm during installation.
3. Workaround with .postinst SHELL script can get everything nicely fit but
     requires an online connection instead of using the CD resources.

When lxqt is installed before sddm, the final GUI output is undesirable and
qt-plugins was broken beyond repairs. That's something I would avoid.

I documented the current workaround at:
1. https://zoralab.gitlab.io/granatum/en-us/profiles/deskenv-lxqt-sddm/

Source code at:
1. https://gitlab.com/ZORALab/granatum/tree/next/profiles

Please shed some light. Thanks in adv.

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