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Re: Understanding Git workflow around DEP-14

Andreas Ronnquist <mailinglists@gusnan.se> writes:

> debian/master is where your packaging work happens in the debian
> folder, and also where the building of the package happens. (Here you
> also should have the upstream source merged, to be able to build the
> package with the standard debuild or dpkg-buildpackage).

So which branch contains *only* the Debian packaging files; that is, the
files that go into the “Debian package diff” (Debian Policy §3.3)?

Or does DEP-14 mandate mixing the Debian packaging with the upstream

That would make DEP-14 incompatible with the “overlay” workflow, where
the Debian packaging is tracked in a separate VCS.

 \       “If consumers even know there's a DRM, what it is, and how it |
  `\     works, we've already failed.” —Peter Lee, Disney corporation, |
_o__)                                                             2005 |
Ben Finney

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