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Re: RFP: vinca -- Reverse VNC for remote support

>I'm understanding the "package it by yourself", if it only means to
>publish somewhere a .deb package or it's related to doing this in some
>Debian host.

it means create the "debian" directory and ask us to sponsor it into
the archive.


>If it's the first, the project has already a public binaries repository>(at repos.actiu.net/libre).

we don't care about binaries, *we* create them, you just need to provide
the sources :)
(for both upstream and packaging)
>I suspect I need to be a maintainer if I want to offer this package to
>Debian repositories.


>Another topic: Why is this bug closed (done)?

From: Narcis Garcia <debianlists@actiu.net>
To: 865582-close@bugs.debian.org

you seem to have closed it :)

the two bugs were merged together, so closing one had this side effect of closing the other
merged duplicate.


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