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Bug#817949: RFS: niceshaper/1.2.0-1 [ITP]

control: owner -1 !
control: tags -1 moreinfo

hi, lets review again

"make DESTDIR=debian/niceshaper PREFIX=debian/niceshaper/usr BINDIR=debian/niceshaper/usr/bin install"

please let dh_auto_install do its job, and maybe use
something like "DESTDIR?=/usr" or similar to avoid forcing a wrong value.

dh_auto_install should already know about DESTDIR and PREFIX values, in case it doesn't, just export them in 

the rules file.

std-version is 3.9.7
dh-systemd the version constraint seems already satisfied even in old-oldstable-bpo

you shouldn't need an install file, please fix the Makefile if it doesn't its job (and upstream the patches)
also the manpages I think it can be dropped
the .init and .services looks like upstreamable to me.

check-all-the-things review:
$ codespell --quiet-level=3

$ cppcheck -j1 --quiet -f . | grep -vF 'cppcheck: error: could not find or open any of the paths given.'
flawfinder -Q -c .

license is wrong (missing a "+")

the other stuff LGTM, but I didn't check lintian and to build the package
BTW no build system is usually bad ;)



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