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Re: Introduce wrapper package of linuxbrew into Debian

Hi Lumin,


>Well... not going to bring trouble to apt/dpkg.
>Since linuxbrew is by default a home-based pacakge management tool,
>it is useful e.g when a group of people are working on the same
>amd64 workstation and some of them have no root/sudo access.
>In that circumstance, one can conveniently run brew install
>to install package they want without bothering root/admin much,
>as long as brew has that corresponding formula.
>So I think utilizing linuxbrew is just a matter what user do
>at his ${HOME}, and will not affect the system wide package management,
>After all the changes linuxbrew made is just in the `${HOME}/.linuxbrew` .

yes, this is not a problem, and this is already done locally (manually) by many

But who will take care of "packaging bug x for package y installed with linuxbrew?"

as a maintainer I would like to avoid people opening bugs against my packages
if the bugs are in the linuxbrew packaging recipes.

>No, no installation into non-standard directory.

I meant, where "brew install x" will put the x installed files?

You install a library x, and you want to link with your code z,
how do you make your build system aware of x location?

assuming x is installed somewhere in home/.linuxbrew/.apps/x/usr/lib/libx.so

Do the user need to override build flags to make "x" found by the compiler?

>Sorry that I'm not following you here:
>there is no cmake files both in the original linuxbrew git repo 
>and the wrappe package.
>Do you mean "adding cmake files in the package" ?

Nope, I mean the answer above. Installing a user package is fine, just install it
and find the binary file to run it

Installing a library is not so trivial, because you need to make your compiler
aware of the location and use it.

that was my question at the begin.

>I will do dch -r when confirmed that this package is really ready
>to be uploaded.


>Yes, indeed I should provide a manpage for /usr/bin/linuxbrew
>and merly override the lintian-missing-manpage of symlink /usr/bin/brew.

>I'm going to remove it.


>Thank you Gianfranco Costamagna for reviewing this package!

Thanks to you for packaging it!

I really would like to have something brew similar to linux,
but I would like to create a mess for other packages, and screw
up the user system :)



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