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Broken tar invocation in mk-origtargz (was: Re: uscan and missing files)

hello Fernando,
hello Mentors,

Fernando Toledo <ftoledo@docksud.com.ar> writes:
> El 06/08/15 a las 16:12, Felix Natter escribió:
>> I think it is very unlikely that this is due to a bug in uscan
>> (also see "deleting 1 files from it." above).
> yes maybe is a bug (very strange) in uscan
>> Maybe you have an old "../syncterm-1.0.tgz" around?
>> Can you try with a clean ".."?
> Yes. I have these results with clear ".." directory
>> Can you provide a VCS URL so we can try?
> Yes, i track on github, please note that you must clone the "1.0" branch:
> https://github.com/ftoledo/pkg-syncterm/tree/1.0/debian

The problem is indeed with mk-origtargz (called from uscan):

$ uscan --force-download --no-exclusion

$ copy syncterm-1.0.tgz somewhere

$ mk-origtargz --exclude-file 3rdp/dist/cryptlib.zip --package syncterm -v 1.0 syncterm-1.0.tgz 
Successfully repacked syncterm-1.0.tgz as syncterm_1.0.orig.tar.gz,
deleting 1 files from it.

$ tar -tzf syncterm-1.0.tgz | grep desktop

$ tar -tzf syncterm_1.0.orig.tar.gz | grep desktop
<no output>

And tar --delete is the culprit:

$ gzip -d syncterm-1.0.tgz

$ tar -tf syncterm-1.0.tar | grep desktop

# mk-origtargz calls this
$ tar --delete --file syncterm-1.0.tar syncterm-1.0/3rdp/dist/cryptlib.zip

$ tar -tf syncterm-1.0.tar | grep desktop
<no output>

What works is this:

$ cat syncterm-1.0.tar | tar --delete syncterm-1.0/3rdp/dist/cryptlib.zip > out.tar

--> Would a patch against mk-origtargz that changes to the piped-syntax
for tar invocations be accepted (the problem seems to be present in
devscripts-master as well).

The problem seems to be known to the tar developers [1]:
"The `--delete' option has been reported to work properly when tar acts
as a filter from stdin to stdout. "
[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/delete.html

Cheers and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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