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Bug#808461: sponsorship-requests: mdp [ITP] -- command-line based markdown presentation tool

Hi Andrew,

20.12.2015 16:27, Andrew Shadura пишет:
> i) Vcs-* fields are used to point users to the maintainer's Git, not
> the upstream's one (I've fixed that for you).

OK, thanks!

> ii) You should test the watch file using uscan to see if it's actually
> working (in yours, filenamemangle wasn't right, I have also fixed that
> for you).

Ahhh, I see. But it worked ;-)

> iii) There's too much boilerplate in the rules file. Please remove
> things which aren't actually used. It's also a good idea to make use
> of .PHONY.

Seems, done with boilerplate stuff.

> iv) Why are you overriding dh_compress?

The only file to be compressed is sample.md, which size is 5663 (just a
bit more than specified in Policy). And I consider it useful to have it
uncompressed, because this way it is much more easier to open it with
mdp to better understand mdp's features.

> v) In the changelog, there's Closes: #nnnn. Please put a proper number
> there (#808072, I suppose)?


Lev Lamberov

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