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next step in contributing to Debian


I've finally gotten comfortable with pbuilder (for both i386 and amd64), and have done a number of private backports (including Intel 2015Q2 graphics stack) and imports of Ubuntu packages that don't exist in Debian (eg: snapraid).

Just the other day someone in #debian asked for a backport of xserver-xorg-video-savage, so I built an unofficial one on the spot.

What's the next step in contributing? What version should I be putting in the changelog. For xserver-xorg-video-savage_2.3.8-1, backported to jessie, it seems like it should be:


So, package-name_version-revision+non_maintainer_upload(X)~backport(Y)+(Z)

Y is the Debian version the backport is for, but what is X and Z? Also, for NMUs, will I need to sign anything with GPG?


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