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Replacing roxterm's multiple binary packages with one

I've decided to discontinue support for legacy libraries in roxterm and concentrate on GTK3 and vte-2.91 and I want to simplify the packaging because of this. The current/old version has these binary packages:

roxterm-common (data files, roxterm-gtk2 and roxterm-gtk3 depend on it)
roxterm-gtk2, roxterm-gtk3 (binaries)
roxterm-gtk2-dbg, roxterm-gtk3-dbg (corresponding debugging symbols)
roxterm (virtual package depending on roxterm-gtk3)

I want to replace them with a single package, "roxterm". I'm not quite sure how to set up the package relationships to do this. I would like the new roxterm to automatically replace roxterm-gtk3, so I think I need to add Replaces: roxterm-gtk3 to the new roxterm, and AFAICT from the policy manual I should use Breaks as well (rather than Conflicts).

The main complication is that I don't want to use Replaces: roxterm-gtk2 in case some people want to hang on to that for as long as possible (GTK3 windows with geometry don't work properly with some window managers, for instance), and having the new version wanting to replace it at every dist-upgrade would be a nuisance for them. So should I add Breaks: roxterm-common, roxterm-gtk2 without a corresponding Replaces?

Anything else? Should the new roxterm also be marked Breaks older versions of its namesake?

Also, I don't want a separate package for the sake of debugging symbols. Is it OK to include them in the main package and override lintian, or is it mandatory to use a separate -dbg package? If so, my preference would be to exclude the debugging symbols for the sake of the simplicity of a single binary package.

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