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Re: pbuilder questions

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 07:31:18PM +0100, Felix Natter wrote:
> hi,
> I tried to follow this hint:
>   https://wiki.debian.org/PbuilderTricks#How_to_include_local_packages_in_the_build
> but I have some questions along the way (and will improve the
> documentation with your replies).

fine & good

> I am using this configuration (currently in /etc/pbuilderrc [1]):
> [1] I couldn't get it to work by putting the config in
> /home/felix/.pbuilderrc (possibly because I didn't run "pbuilder create"
> after configuring).

I somehow feel this is because you have to use `sudo -E` to preserve $HOME, or
otherwise put the file in /root/.pbuilderrc (imho bad)

> ------
> #HOOKDIR=/var/cache/pbuilder/hooks
> # Location of the dir where you keep pbuilder hook scripts.
> HOOKDIR="/home/felix/.pbuilder-hooks"
> # Path to your local repo to be used as a mirror written as apt source line.
> OTHERMIRROR="deb [trusted=yes] file:///home/felix/pbuilder/local_repo ./"
> # Path to your local repo. This tells pbuilder to mount this directory so it is available in the chroot.
> BINDMOUNTS="/home/felix/pbuilder/local_repo"
> # As we need to have the apt-ftparchive command, we need to insure this package is installed.
> EXTRAPACKAGES="apt-utils"
> ------
> ------ /home/felix/.pbuilder-hooks/D05update-local-repo ------
> #!/bin/bash
> # Path to the local repo.
> LOCAL_REPO="/home/felix/pbuilder/local_repo"
> # Generate a Packages file.
> (cd $LOCAL_REPO ; apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages)
> # Update to include any new packages in the local repo.
> apt-get update
> ------
> => my questions are:
> - It seems I need to run "pbuilder create" to honor the changes to
>   /etc/pbuilderrc. Is that true? Does "pbuilder --update" suffice?

recreate the chroot or use --override-config while --update
see pbuilder(8)

> - I think I can put the above variables into ~/.pbuilderrc
>   (/home/felix/.pbuilderrc).  But how is this honored when running "sudo
>   pbuilder create"?  (runs as root, "pbuilder" knows nothing about user
>   'felix'...)

as I said, `sudo -E pbuilder...`.
I use a (rather large and bloated) wrapper similar to pbuilder-dist, but maybe
if plain pbuilder is fine for you maybe you can alias it:
alias pbuilder="sudo -E pbuilder"

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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