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Would you like to help get MariaDB 10.0 into Debian? (Debian Developer wanted)


I am the packager of MariaDB 5.5 in Debian, which is now in testing. I
have been sponsored by James Page and Clint Byrum and I am thankful
for their efforts. Unfortunately neither can at the moment allocate
more time to review my additional packages.

Therefore I am asking here: are YOU a Debian Developer who would like
to see MariaDB 10.0 in Debian?

The packages are already done and they are based on the (already
accepted) packaging of MariaDB 5.5. Details and more pointers can be
found at: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/MySQL/MariaDBPlan

I would now need a DD who could review the differences between my 5.5
and 10.0 packaging and then upload 10.0 to experimental. Later when
10.0 is officially released (it is still just a release candidate /
beta) upload to unstable could be made.

The differences are really small, mostly renaming 5.5->10.0 and then a
addtional files in the packages and then some old files split into two
new packages. The repos to compare are located at
http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-mysql/mariadb-5.5.git and

Check this out to get an idea what you would need to review:

Please contact me directly or mail the
pkg-mysql-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org list if you want to see
MariaDB 10.0 in Debian.


- Otto

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