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Auxiliary Flash Package for Java Package


Freeplane (a package in pkg-java) uses a swf file for browsing exported
mindmaps.  Now I need to distribute the source (see #736106), so I plan
to put it in a separate package "freeplane-flash-browser".

- is it ok to install the swf file here:
and then add a symlink
/usr/share/freeplane/resources/flash/visorFreeplane.swf ->
in the Freeplane package so that the resource can be found?

- can I maintain the package in pkg-java? If not, where shall I put it?

- There are no upstream releases of freeplane-flash-browser, it is
  maintained in a git repo (along with some other programs):

  Is it ok to use a shell script that extracts the flash-browser/source
  directory (from git clone output) and creates an upstream tarball from
  it? Can I make up a version number?

- #736106 is an RC bug. Is it ok to keep freeplane 1.2.23-2 as is, and
  fix it in the coming 1.3.x version (<< November, probably in 1-2

Many Thanks!
Felix Natter

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