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Bug#723804: Review of phabricator/0.1~git20130909-1


A new version (0~20131004-1) has been uploaded to mentors:

About the comments:
1 to 6 have been done. a get-orig-source target was implemented.
about 7: it doesn't look like libphp-phpmailer will be enough, since phabricator has also a class.phpmailer-lite.php file in there (used by some scripts) that is not present in the libphp-phpmailer debian package...
File permissions warning is most probably caused by wrong rights on the git repository and i'm still not sure how to fix that.
about 8 and 9: i kept all externals since they look highly integrated in the rest of the code and i'm kind of scared of breaking things by putting them somewhere else on the system. I'll leave it that way since they're really small and i don't really have time to test everything in phabricator to guarantee there will be no impact.

Phabricator is a continuous release with a lot of changes from one week to another. I've been following it since february and they're not kidding when they say it's under active development! There is no way to support this like a stable version and backport patches for now. The best that can be done is to upgrade to the latest version (hence a new package version). Fortunately phabricator reacts great to updates. Repackaging doesn't need a lot of time so i can manage to do it.

Of course, i'll be able to maintain the package if they release a stable version one day.

I hope this is clear,


Le 03/10/2013 22:51, Luke Faraone a écrit :
Dear future maintainer,

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 11:41:32PM +0200, Richard Sellam wrote:
 * Package name    : phabricator
   Version         : 0.1~git20130909-1
As discussed on IRC, you probably want to use 0.0~... or 0~... as the
start of the version number.

Some other comments:

1. Your description could use some wordsmithing. Specifically, the homepage
can be omitted. Explaining that this is a code snapshot may also be

2. Please drop the Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser lines or correct them to be the
valid links for the VCS repository corresponding to the packaging.

3. As a nit: it would be advisable to license debian/* under the same terms
as upstream, even though this is not a strict requirement.

4. Reference the version of the Apache License in common-licenses from
debian/copyright rather than including the license in the package.

5. Please remove libphutil/src/parser/xhpast/bin/xhpast.exe from the
upstream tarball.

6. Since you're already creating the upstream tarball, please either
implement a get-orig-source target in debian/rules, or document how the
tarball was constructed in debian/README.source. You may find it helpful
to include the git ref used to build the tool in the package version.

7. Please fix all of the lintian errors marked "Warning" that are listed
at https://mentors.debian.net/package/phabricator. The first one
(embedded library) could probably be fixed by switching to

8. Please see whether the things in /usr/share/phabricator/externals can
be removed from Phabricator and the appropriate package depended on

9. Please expand debian/copyright to ensure you document the license of
all software in the source tarball. If you don't use something in
phabricator/externals (because you've done №8), feel free to strip it
out of the upstream tarball as long as you document it according to №6.

Since Phabricator is a continuous release, are you comfortable
backporting security and bug fixes to stable, if the package were


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