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Re: Maintainer address for collab-maint team maintained packages

On Mon, 19 Nov 2012, Arno Töll wrote:
> Thing is, you can't use the QA forwarder because it relies on your
> source control field to learn about actual forwardings. If you would add
> right that address, the result would be an infinite loop because you
> would essentially forward mail to <package>@packages.debian.org to
> <package>@packages.debian.org. I hope it is clear why this won't work.

Yeah, but this should be easily fixable... we can fix the script
generating the alias to strip those emails

The problem lies elsewhere. The BTS, dak and many Debian services mail
the address listed in the Maintainer field *and* send a copy to the PTS.
This includes packages.debian.org which mail the Maintainer (not
Uploaders) and the PTS.

If you put @packages.debian.org as Maintainer, the flow of email is
duplicated. Once via @packages.debian.org and once directly via the PTS.

This is also fixable but it's less easy to do it in a clean way, except by
teaching this special case to all services... which is painful.

It's one of the reason which pushed me to start
http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep2/ but alas I'm too busy to go forward with
it currently.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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