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Re: Any script to populate debian/copyright file ?

Aliaksei Sheshka <sheshkaoss@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Bart Martens <bartm@debian.org> wrote:
> > If you intend to package this software, then please retitle [bug
> > report #392333] to ITP and set yourself as the owner.

> I would like, but not sure yet I have skills *today*. Why I've build a
> package and use it myself, I'm not sure it correct according all
> Debian policies, and debian/copyright in particular.

One of the better ways to gain the skills you're talking about is to
work in public on packaging, with the goal of releasing a package for
inclusion in Debian.

If you choose to do that, indicating it earlier is better than later in
order to encourage collaboration rather than parallel duplication of

That is, if someone else wants to also work on packaging this software,
they will have a better chance of working together with you if they can
see that you're already intending to make the package.

> I will fix package util I get everything right before asking to
> upload/sponsor it.

That's good. But in the meantime, please explicitly indicate your intent
to anyone searching the bug tracker, as Bart recommends.

> W: irrtoolset source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 1201:
> Continuation line outside a paragraph.

This probably indicates you have an indented line (leading whitespace on
the line) where it's not expected. It's good that you discovered this
now so you can learn how to fix it before releasing the package.

If you are writing your ‘debian/copyright’ file to conform with the
recommended format in Policy, read and learn from the specification in
‘/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/copyright-format-1.0.*’ (your choice of
text or HTML format; you have installed all the developer documentation,

In particular, to conform with that format, all information needs to be
in fields, and all fields must be of the form:

    Field-Name: value on a single line


    Field-Name: value on multiple
     lines with consistent whitespace indentation
     on all continuation lines

Be sure to always edit files in a text editor which shows trailing
whitespace as an error, and be sure to remove it before saving.

Does that help identify the problem? If not, please point us to exactly
where this file is so we can see its content.

 \       “The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of |
  `\      importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is |
_o__)                        allowed to take.” —C. Northcote Parkinson |
Ben Finney

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