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Bug#665823: RFS: libapache2-mod-geoip/1.2.7-1

On 27/03/12 02:41, Arno Töll wrote:
First, let me inform you, you should prepare another version of your
package which works with Apache 2.4, available in experimental. That
one is going to replace Apache 2.2 in Debian Sid pretty soon. However,
this breaks all module packages and they need some source tweaks.
Please read [1][2][3] for more information about this as this is going
to affect you really soon.
Yes, I'm aware that 2.4 is out, and will work on a 2.4 package later (likely mid-next month).
mod_geoip probably does not work without GeoIP database installed. You
should recommend the geoip-database at least. I realize there are
proprietary databases available, thus my suggestion to use a weaker
recommends constraint.
The database stanzas are commented out completely (and I'm not going to change this behaviour), and not having them installed will not cause issues for Apache installations. The main reason that I didn't when I took up the package last year, the database was provided by the GeoIP source package, in addition, the behaviour hasn't seemed to confuse people so far...

...however, since the geoip-database is now it's own source package I will include it for the 2.4 update in experimental.
Do you have any public version control system to maintain your
package? If yes, add Vcs-Browser and Vcs-(Git|Svn|...) fields to your
control file.
Not yet, when I've tried to find info on the Debian places for hosting it, I've thrown my hands up in disgust at not finding anything/the right info, and decided to stick with what I know, especially since it is such a small, single maintainer package.
In your maintainer script you should call a2enmod/a2dismod with the -q
argument. And while you're at it you could perhaps safe some CPU
cycles by changing the shell to /bin/sh (you need to avoid bashisms
then of course).

Your debian/rules file looks fairly ok, but wasn't updated in this
century. Maybe upgrade to the newer short dh format which makes it
much less probably that you're forgetting something or your package
breaks in a unforeseeable future.
In re: to both, (and please note I'm not trying to take the lazy approach), I agree, but I doubt there will be another update before Apache 2.4 lands in unstable (and I also note that this seems to be targeted for Wheezy as it is), that requires changing the pre/post scripts completely, I'd sooner go the full hog and start the packaging from scratch (while retaining the changelog) at that point, than making small cosmetic changes now. (a2enmod/a2dismod -q seems to save 1 printed line, it's an undocumented option so please correct me if I'm wrong).

Maybe you could also omit the last sentence in the package description
as we're not shipping anything but Apache 2 since almost a decade or so.
Ha, I'd never noticed that line in the control file, it's still true I guess, but I've removed it locally as a reminder that it is completely out of date.

- Nigel

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