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Re: How to correct BTS error statistics

forcemerge 618125 618126 618131 618134 618136 618138 618149 618156 618157 618160 618161 618162 618166 618171 618174 618177 618179 618187 618189 618192 618193 618213 618217 618222 618223 618230 618238 618247
reassign 618125 doxygen
# guessing here
found 618125 doxygen/1.7.3-5
fixed 618125 doxygen/1.7.3-6
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager-setup-condor
affects 618125 + src:globus-rsl-assist
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-sysconfig
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager-setup-pbs
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager
affects 618125 + src:globus-rsl
affects 618125 + src:globus-gass-copy
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager-setup-lsf
affects 618125 + src:globus-xio-gsi-driver
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-openssl-error
affects 618125 + src:globus-common
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-callback
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-proxy-core
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error
affects 618125 + src:globus-gram-job-manager-setup-fork
affects 618125 + src:globus-gssapi-error
affects 618125 + src:globus-callout
affects 618125 + src:globus-authz
affects 618125 + src:globus-authz-callout-error
affects 618125 + src:globus-ftp-control
affects 618125 + src:globus-gss-assist
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-proxy-ssl
affects 618125 + src:globus-ftp-client
affects 618125 + src:globus-openssl-module
affects 618125 + src:globus-rls-client
affects 618125 + src:globus-xio
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-credential
affects 618125 + src:globus-gsi-cert-utils

On Wed, 07 Dec 2011, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Martin is talking about bugs like #618138, which was opened against
> globus-rsl/7.2-2 but closed with doxygen/1.7.3-6.

Oh. These are actually bugs in doxygen/1.7.3-5 (I think?) which
affected these packages.

What actually has to happen here is the bugs need to be reassigned to
doxygen, merged, then marked as found and fixed in the appropriate
versions, and then marked as affecting the original package. The
preceding control instructions do this.

Don Armstrong

What prison taught me was that some people are born into a life where
they're going to be subjected to intense life experiences and personal
tragedy on an almost daily basis. [...] I don't think you get
enlightenment after something like that. I think all anyone really
wants, if they're honest with themselves, is a quiet, easy life
surrounded by people that love them. Anything else is conceit[ed].
 -- OP from 99chan

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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