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Re: RFS: Rodent Beta filemanager

I am not a DD, and so I can't sponsor your contribution. I'm sorry. But here my
fast review about your package:

1. debian/changelog:
   no close some bug, ITP or ITA? So clean: 
   "(Closes: #nnnn)  <nnnn is the bug number of your ITP>"
   and your initial Debian release should be 4.6.2-1 no just 4.6.2
2. debhelper is 7. Bump to 8 under: debia/compat , debian/control
3. Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2
4. Vcs-SVN, and Vcs-browser should be just for Debian packaging work
   no upstream works.
5. debian/copyright: please use DEP-5 format[0] and complete the fields please.
6. debian/rules: clean verbose comment
7. your files: README.Debian, README.source, rodent-doc.docs, rodent-doc.install
   seems useless, please check if really they should be there.

[0] http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/


Elías Alejandro

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