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Re: What naming scheme should be used for the Swiss Ephemeris?

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Paul Elliott
<pelliott@blackpatchpanel.com> wrote:

> If I change the name how will people know the original name of the pristine
> tarball? Or be able to verify that it has not been changed?

If you are using the upstream tarball without repacking it then by
looking at the watch file. Otherwise by looking at the get-orig-source
target in debian/rules.

> I am not sure the upstream knows that sonames exist or wants to know.

This is a good opportunity to teach them about libraries, if they
reply saying they aren't interested then that is fine too, just make
sure to use a Debian-specific SONAME.

> If I am creating the libtools infrastructure, am I not responsible for this?
> I don't think anyone ever used libtools on this software before.

If you are maintaining a library in Debian you're responsible for
ensuring proper ABI versioning and compatibility whether or not
upstream has a SONAME or cares about libraries.



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