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Re: RFS: zathura

* Sebastian Ramacher <s.ramacher@gmx.at>, 2010-07-15, 02:43:

Uhh, first of all the ITP you close doesn't seem to be owned by you.

But anyway, here's my review:

Why priority extra?

Why "Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~)"? Wouldn't (>= 7) be enough?

The last sentence of the long description doesn't sound grammatically correct. Stefano Rivera (thanks!) proposed to change it to: "Zathura provides a minimalistic and space saving interface, with a focus on keyboard interaction." The same change needs to be made to the manpage. (English is not my mother tongue, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

zathura can use "lpstat" and "lp" binaries, so it should suggest "cups-client | lprng". (I am not an expert on printing software, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

Please patch it to use "sensible-browser" instead of "firefox".

It looks like cmd_print() and open_uri() does not handle properly apostrophes in file names, i.e. they do no escaping at all. Please check if this is really the case (I didn't run the program so far, just read a few bits of the source), and if it is, forward the bug upstream.

Current standards version is 3.9.0.

A makefile that is 11 characters long is not copyrightable, and nobody can claim that he was the first who wrote it. Please remove the nonsense comment from debian/rules.

Lintian complains:
I: zathura: capitalization-error-in-description gtk+ GTK+
W: zathura: copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file

Please update timestamp in the top changelog entry by the next upload.

Jakub Wilk

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